Quality Control System

Over the years we have developed a quality control system which has proved to be very effective. This is the system, which has been appreciated by all our clients & this is the system which differentiate us from any other supplier in Asia.

Our detailed and elaborate system for controlling quality, based on an efficient coding and accountability system has achieved quality standards to match bags manufactured in the World.

Our Quality control system has contributed significantly to our reputation and our growth as a manufacturer and a company. Based on our experience a step-by-step detailed quality control system for various stages of production is followed ensuring a very high level of customer satisfaction.

Our coding system can track down every single bag to the level of every individual stitcher and the Checking Supervisor even long after we have made the bag. Lower percentage of defects in our bags compared to international standards and lower incidents of complaints reinforces our faith in our systems. A well-defined system of accountability has helped us to achieve levels of precision and quality acceptable to even high-end international customers.

Quality Check Points